The Founders
The Self is never born, nor does it die. It did not spring from anything, nor did anything spring
from it. This Ancient One is unborn, eternal and everlasting. It is not slain, even though the body
is slain
Gayathri and Shylesh envisioned Atmanandam Mission over a decade ago. The physical expression of this vision was to create sacred space for others to enable a wakeful state from the dream state, to help revive within cellular memory, the sense of one’s Original Self. They facilitate and conduct retreats with a sense of sacredness and responsibility to others. They are committed to a life of Dharma and being fully present in the NOW! To live a life of introspection, awareness and meditation is essential for modern day living and its challenges.

Born and raised in Northern India, into a humble South Indian family, Shylesh spent much of his formative years living in a disciplined spiritual setting, training as an initiate into spiritual disciplines and contemplating deeply on life’s mysteries. Simple yet always aware, accompanied by an innocence, and child-like sense of humor, Shylesh firmly believes that everyone who is born, must realize their Higher Self and that we have no choice or alternative. Consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly, everyone strives towards their own sense of attaining inner freedom. His presence transmits a quiet playful energy yet his vision reveals a deep connection to Higher consciousness within. He offers timeless wisdom through stories of the Vedic tradition as well as provides spiritual transmission in the meditation sessions.
Through many deeply profound yet humbling spiritual experiences, Shylesh realized that it is only through self-knowledge and a constant practice, that one can be free from external suffering and experience the Joy within. His deep conviction forms the foundation and basis of Atmanandam Mission.
As a young child, Gayathri grew up in many cultures with a profound awareness of her connection to Earth wisdom and to the many manifestations of energy of the Universal Source. Her intense curiosity and exploration into the other-worldly realm from a young age, resulted in many spiritual experiences that deepened her sense of wonderment and humility about the never-ending rhythms and cycles of life and death. She enables others on their healing journey through their stories of past experiences to empower them on their sacred path in the ever present Now. She brings the wisdom of decades of training in Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, meditation and other spiritual practices from the Vedic and Tantra traditions of India.

She brings a strong sense of intuition and a deep connection to the sacred Divine within and encourages this in her presence process with others. She recognizes that everyone is blessed with inherent spiritual power and that it must be carefully cultivated with intention and attention in daily life. She lives and breathes her personal mantra: “Be Authentic and fully Present to yourself always. By knowing who you are and what you are, you transcend and transform yourself in every moment.”
Gayathri provides healing sessions using her training in Ayurveda, Yoga, BodyTalk, Reiki, Source-point therapy and other modalities of complementary and holistic energy medicine.
To learn more about Gayathri’s work please visit